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Can my dog eat strawberries?

One of the dogs I walk wants to eat every banana peel and apple core he finds on a walk so I decided to check exactly what dogs can and can't eat.

Dogs are omnivores, hence eat meat or plant-based food. Fruit and vegetables can enrich a dog’s diet and provide healthy treats. Before feeding your dog any fruit, check which are safe, and consider your pets pre-existing conditions as dogs with obesity, diabetes, bladder stones, and other conditions should not eat fruit without first consulting your vet.

If there are no pre-existing conditions, dogs can eat …

Apples: remove the seeds and core first

Bananas: remove the peel first

Blackberries: in moderation

Blueberries Broccoli: in small amounts Brussels sprouts: beware as the gassy effects they have on humans apply to dogs too

Cranberries Carrots Celery: it is also known to freshen doggy breath Coconut: no husk Cucumbers

Green beans

Mango: remove the stone first

Oranges: remove all seeds, peel and core

Peaches: no pit

Peas Pears: remove the pit and seeds first

Pineapple: remove the outer peel and crown

Potatoes: boiled, plain varieties

Raspberries: in small amounts Rice: plain rice

Rock melon: in moderation as they are high in sugar Spinach: in small amounts

Sweet potatoes: wash, peel and cook

Strawberries: in moderation Watermelon: remove the rind and seeds first


Always avoid these:



Citrus peels/oil


Grapes, raisins, currants, sultanas

Macadamia nuts





Fruits that can be unsafe for dogs

Avocado: the pit, skin, and leaves contain persin, a toxin that often causes vomiting and diarrhea. The fleshy inside has less persin, but it is still too much for dogs Tomatoes: when ripe the fruit is considered safe for dogs, but the green parts contain a toxic substance called solanine

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